Thursday, October 13, 2005


...not my color.

A few notes about getting into your car in
a parking lot, or parking garage:

a. Be aware:
look around you, look into your car,
at the passenger side floor, and in the back seat.

b. If you are parked next to a big van,
enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them
into their vans while the women are
attempting to get into their cars.

c. Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle,
and the passenger side.
If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car,
you may want to walk back into the mall,
or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out.
(And better paranoid than dead.)

6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs.
(Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and
the perfect crime spot).

7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control,
The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times;
And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!

~qiss~ yourself...


Resmanc13 13/10/05 1:09 PM  

satu nasihat yang amat berguna untuk seorang gadis dan juga wanita ...hehehehe..

Masy 13/10/05 1:11 PM  

uikss..berguna sesangat nih! thanks 4 sharing dis info wif us laling..

lady 13/10/05 1:32 PM  

u boleh share tis dgn teman2 u yg ppuan..adik ppuan..kakak ppuan..etc..
thanks k..

~copy/paste k..

kekadang kita terlupa keselamatan diri dapat2 bila we are in hurry.. aware ok..
thanks lalings..
luv u..

Anonymous 13/10/05 1:40 PM  

semoga kita semua di dalam peliharaan Allah....Insyaallah.

Anonymous 14/10/05 9:01 AM  

Awas! Jgn meletakkan beg tangan, hp atau barangan berharga di sebelah hadapan tempat duduk penumpang tanpa mengunci pintu walaupun sedang memandu.

Meera Melati 14/10/05 9:28 AM  

qis baru nak tanya... tu pic kete qis ke... hehehe...

deanz aku letak h/bag kat bawah seat penumpang...

Anonymous 14/10/05 9:48 AM  


insyaallah..mudah2an..tapi kita kena lah berusaha jaga keselamatan diri sendiri kan..
thanks yaa..;)

salam deanz..
iyyerr betulll..always lock d doors n keep ur stuff safely..
rite?? thanks..

kak maya..
warna keta g2 saya 'dune' kak..
tapi yg dlm pic tu comel lak
thanks editor..

Masy 14/10/05 11:56 AM  

cantiknyeee blog!!!huhuhuhuhuhu..jelessss..nk jugaaaaakkkk!!!

admin 14/10/05 1:06 PM  

tips yg baik... tq lady... nak share citer - penah balik lewat dari opis, parking dah gelap sikit, masa jln menuju tempat parking, dari jauh nampak ada org kat keta k.ita, per yg k.ita wat ialah g tempat pak guard, so pak guard tu temankan k.ita.. bila sampai jer tempat keta semula, lelaki tu terus wat2 jalan jer, blah.... sejak ari tu, kalau nak kena balik lewat, mintak tulun abg nasz/ina temankan... ekekek...

Anonymous 14/10/05 3:13 PM  


ni pun kak maya yg editkan..saya tak tahu lansung benda2 alah ni..lagi tgk templeted dia ..lagi pening paler..
am thanks her for her kindness..
thanks laling..

kak ita..
memang itu tindakan yg terbaik kak..kita ni kekdng nak cuba tunjuk brani..tak kisah org2 yg begitu..bila dah terkena baru laa kesal tak sudah..harap kaum ppuan semua dapat sayangi diri sendiri supaya tidak diperlakukan sesuka hati jer..
thanks kak ita..

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